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Spirit is now accepting online payment for Early Contract Fees
If you played in the 2024 season, there are four types of contracts that you may receive:
Contract to the same team
Contract to the same team or higher
Contract to an American team
Contract to return to our club with the team determined at tryouts
If you didn't receive a
contract, we'd still love to have
you come to tryouts!
Contract to Team:
If you sign this contract, you are contracted to the Spirit Volleyball Club on the Spirit Black team at you age level.
Contract to the Blue Team or Higher:
If you sign this contract, you are contracted to the Spirit Volleyball Club on the Spirit Blue team, or you will be given an opportunity to earn a position on a higher level team.
Contract to an American Team:
If you sign this contract, you are contracted to the Spirit Volleyball Club. The team on which you are placed will be at the American level, or you will be given an opportunity to earn a position on a higher level team.
Contract to Return to the Club:
If you sign this contract, you are contracted to the Spirit Volleyball Club. The team on which you are placed will be determined at tryouts and/or meet the team.
Benefits of accepting an early contract with $100 early contract fee:
-Covers your tryout fee for next season ($15 value)
-Ensures your placement on a team next year
-Spirit hoody sweatshirt ($50 value)
-$50 credit towards you club fee next season
Contracts Explained
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